What is beard oil?
Beard oil is a leave-in conditioner and if it is 100% natural like Odger Men's Care, it is made from the oils extracted from plants. The ingredients used are chosen for their beneficial properties, such as reducing inflammation, reducing dry skin, reducing dandruff, moisturising the skin and much more. It does leave the facial hair feeling super soft, clean and healthier looking too.
What are the ingredients?
Hempseed oil – contains omega 3, 6 and 9 fatty acids which may stimulate hair growth. The oil promotes blood circulation on the scalp too, it’s easily absorbed by the hair which is known to help strengthen the hair, reducing breakages.
Jojoba oil – it’s an oil from the seeds of the jojoba plant. It is rich in vitamins and minerals too. This oil is great as a moisturiser which is good for the scalp to reduce dandruff, itchiness and irritation.
Vitamin E – the antioxidants in vitamin E oil are good for repairing damaged hair follicles and hair shafts. It is a deep moisturiser for your hair and skin which therefore reduces dry skin and irritation. Vitamin E oil may protect your hair from the elements too.
Argan oil (not in Grafter, Lover or Wulver) – is produced from the kernel in the argan tree. Known as liquid gold, argan oil helps repair damaged hair and split ends. It is a great leave-in conditioner (which our beard oil is anyway) which can help reduce irritation, inflammation, sores and itchiness in the skin below under your facial hair.
In addition, the fragrances are made from essential oils which are extracted from plants too. More details on these can be found HERE.